Pet Obesity: The Hard Truth!

There is always talk of obesity problems in humans, but hardly any talk about obesity issues in animals (unless your veterinarian is informing you that you have a plump pet). October 9th marks Pet Obesity Awareness Day, and the numbers could stun you. In 2018, almost 60% of cats and 56% of dogs are classified as overweight or obese according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). If your pooch has a few extra pounds or your feline is looking a little more fluffy than usual, visit with your local veterinarian about how to get them to an ideal and healthy weight. We all want our pets to stay with us as long as possible. Looking at different variables to figure out what is causing weight gain can make a difference in their lifespan. At our clinic we sale w/d prescription and metabolic pet food for potential options for pets to lose weight. Visit the APOP website to learn more about pet obesity and how you can help relieve extra weight from your forever friend’s back (literally).