We are finally getting done with all this snow and cold weather, but that also means the bugs will be coming out full force. From fleas to ticks to mosquitoes, your pet could be the feast they were waiting for. Make sure to swing by the next few weeks here and grab some preventative. We […]

Today, February 22nd, is National Walk Your Dog Day! The weather is a little chilly for a good long walk in the park or around the neighborhood, but maybe spend this day giving them a little extra attention. Play around in the house with their favorite toy! Play some fetch in the yard for twenty […]

The big V Day is right around the corner and with it, lots of people giving candies and flowers to their crushes, sweethearts, and significant others. But “Spot” and “Sophie” also want to be your valentine! Chocolate is a major hazard to your pet’s health and should not be given as a treat in any […]

Does your four-legged friend have some stinky breath? Do they give you a big kiss in the morning to wake you up and about knock you out because of the smell? Dental health is not only important for us, it’s also something to keep an eye on for our lovable cats and dogs, mostly over […]

We recently had a special visit from the 3 year old preschoolers from Calvary Baptist Church. April gave them a tour of the clinic, and Doctor Pajl talked about his job and what happens around here during the day. Kris showed the kids a few of our boarders, and they even got to use a […]