Backyard barbecues, drinks by the fire pit, and watching the fireworks explode in the night sky. It’s that time of the year again to celebrate the 4th! That also means it’s time to prepare your pet(s) for the excitement and stress that is to come in the next few weeks. We have some tips and […]

Pets are curious creatures, as you may have realized if you have a few of your own. They want to figure out exactly what new object is making that noise or giving off that smell. So, in observance of this awareness month, we here at the Veterinary Medical Clinic thought it would be a good […]

February 20th is Love Your Pet Day. Did you make sure to give them lots of love? If you’re wondering just how to help with your pet’s care and well-being, why not schedule a spa day for them? Our groomer, Megan, is a certified Veterinary Technician and groomed for our clinic for 5 years. After […]

Love is in the air, and people everywhere will be sending flowers, chocolates, and presents galore to their loved ones and significant others! But have you stopped to wonder if the person you are gifting has pets at home that are a little too… mischievous? From personal experience, I can tell you that animals are […]

Everyone loves puppies and kittens. They’re adorable and tiny, and you get to watch them grow into their own personality and behavior. A lot of people think it would be wonderful to let their pets have a litter or two of their own. Looking at the statistics, though, it would be better in the long […]

Most people go to visit the doctor routinely every 6 or 12 months. You don’t want cavities and plaque affecting your daily life with pain and discomfort, do you? Now, ask yourself a question. If my dog or cat had significant plaque build-up, loose teeth, infected gums, and exposed roots, isn’t it about time for […]

We are already almost through the first month of the new year, and with February creeping closer and closer it’s a good time to take a look at your pet’s teeth! Most of us have annual visits to the dentist, so why not get your pet in to clean those pearly whites? Some pets can […]